John Muli

ALU, Course: Computing

My name is John Muli Ndulu, a 3RD year student at the Glasgow Caledonian university, which partners with the African Leadership University, in Mauritius. However I am colloquially known as Tarlenheim or (Tarlen ). A very interesting fact about me is that everyone thinks this is a nickname, but it is actually not. I was raised in one of the most arid remote areas in Kenya, called Kitui, before moving to Kisumu city at 11 years old. I moved to Ghana in 2015 to do IGCSE and IB diploma in a school called Herman Gmeiner International College, before joining ALU in 2021.

African Leadership University (ALU)

How I heard about ALU

In my first year of IB diploma I was required to look for university institutions prior to final examinations. I applied and got into four Universities In countries Germany, Netherlands, and South Africa. I stumbled into a video on youtube, of Fred Swanika’s Ted Talk. I looked into Fred, and that is how I Came across the African Leadership College,

Applying into ALU!

The application process was very engaging and fun. I wrote an essay about women empowerment. I was duely assisted incase I got stuck at any point while applying. The application team were very helpful and conveyed information in time.

Moving to ALU!

I already had a five year experience of studying outside my own country. Moving to Mauritius to study at ALU was not a big deal. However, I was not prepared for racism and language barrier.ALU has a small community and it was relatively easy to get to know everyone id be working with. The students were friendly and formed bonds almost immediately. The classes have been very engaging. I am not moving to my third year and so far I am loving every bit of it

In-Person Experience!

My classmates and I got acquainted right away, after the orientation periond. I really would like to give it to the organizers and planners of the entire orientation program. The group activities were very engaging and no one felt left behind. The staff were very social and we felt at ease with them, prior to starting classes. The curriculum is amazing and the fact that we study on an island, is still a wonder to me.

Advice to prospective students!

To prospective students, I’d say that ALU’s project to produce 3 million African leaders by 2030 is very exciting and they should aspire to join our growing community. They should be prepared for a very good learning environment but with huge workloads. They should also brace themselves for a bit of racism, and last but not least, a fun experience. GOODLUCK!!

My Experience in Mauritius

A visit to Point Naturel

My friends and I hired a 14- seater van early in the morning and shot straight to the south most point in Mauritius, Point Naturel where waves literally shake the ground. This was such an amazing experience.

The gruesome Hike!

My friends and I decided to do one last activity together, before we left for christmas holidays last year. We went hiking with public transport, got lost a couple of time, but finally made it to our destination, we walked through bushes thick and thin, to the highest point. I slept in agony that night, with extreme muscle pain but it was worth it!

Its all fun until its not!!

I secured an internship opportunity at Valuemark solutions, a company that specialized in creating websites for marketing purposes and hosting websites. This was not a paid internship however, what I learnt was worth it. This was my first time working in an environment that has a lot to do with computer science.

My Social Life

My first Catamaran

Grand Baie, Mauritius 12 Apr, 2021 5 PM

My Catamaran experience was out of this world.At first i was astonished by the fact that we contributed a huge ammount of money. We set out early in the morning, and sailed into the horizon. What an experience!! I cant wait to do it all again!

Pure Enjoyment!

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Climb Climb Climb!!

Coprs de Garde, Mauritius 14 Sep, 2021 5 PM

Oher than her beautiful sandy beaches, Mauritius spots quite a number of mountains that flood with tourists, hiking. Corps de Garde (translation: Body of soldier) is a 720 metre-high mountain of volcanic origin, in the area of the Moka Range between the Mountain Du Rempart (545 m) and the Le Pouce Mountain (812 m) in the Plaines Wilhems district of Mauritius.

Sore to great heights

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Work Work Work!

Cap Malhereux, Mauritius 09 May, 2022 9 AM

All work without play makes jack a dull boy

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Get to know me more.

I strongly believe that Hardwork pays, and the fact that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

I am a very hardworking student who has an enormous talent in music( Atleast I think so) and believes sky is never the limit. I enjoy dancing, partying, reading, and travelling. I chose to do Computer science because I figured I liked the idea of trying something completely new. Since enrolling at ALU I have loved my course even more and I enjoy coding. I have sought for internship opportunities in Mauritius, where I can practice coding, and I worked with value mark solutions for four months. I have mastered the art of working collaboratively with people through teamwork sessions, in work environment and school environment.

Where can you find me?

Contact Details:

African Leadership College Pamplemousses Mauritius

Phone:(+254) 707014726 Fax:(+230) 5738457

E-mail: My Email Website: My Website

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